Sunday, December 17, 2017

My first night/week (Inspiration)

 Postdated to 04/01/2017.

 My First night as a vehicular nomad was rather manic. I felt excited/free and did not sleep much at all as a result. I was at a park and ride lot on the NH seacoast. During the several weeks that followed I acclimated quite easily to living in my car. I have always lived out of my car, to a degree, so making the jump to sleeping in it full time was a natural transition for me. After the first night I stuck to sleeping in wooded areas - hiking trailheads around Newmarket, Durham and Lee, NH. Pretty soon work picked up and I was having to travel all throughout Massachusetts and as a result I became very comfortable and adept with more urbanized nomadicism, or stealth camping. You may not expect this, but I found parking garages to be a great place to sleep, so long as you rise early as the commuters start to park. A lot of my work during the months of April and May was centered in downtown Boston, so parking at a garage and taking the T in was convenient for me. As  I started to gain confidence while sleeping in urbanized areas I slept in neighborhoods, industrial complexes and parking garages. You may not expect this, but I found parking garages to be a great place to sleep, so long as you rise early as the commuters start to park. A lot of my work during the months of April and May was centered in downtown Boston, so parking at a garage and taking the T in was convenient for me. However, after a few months of parking at a rest stops, garages, Wal-marts and various other busy places work slowed to a halt and I got some quiet time. During this period I took time to explore where I wanted to be, not what areas were convenient to my work life. I found that Plum Island, Provincetown and the host of hiking trailheads I inhabited along the NH seacoast were my favorite spots to stay. 

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